Remit2India Vs Venstar Exchange (Compare Remit2India and Venstar Exchange)

Compare Remit2India and Venstar Exchange to find the best money transfer services. Check Remit2India and Venstar Exchange money transfer service to send money online. Read detail review of Remit2India and Venstar Exchange remittance services.

Remit2India Vs Venstar Exchange

Remit2India Venstar Exchange
Overall Rating By ERIQ
About Can you trust Remit2India? Is it safe? How much the company charges for completing the transaction? How to send money to India with Remit2India? So we have found all the questions people looking for and provided an unbiased as well as an independent review on them. Here, you will find the answers ma >>More Do you know what the turnaround time of Venstar Exchange is? Whom it allowed to make an international money transfer? Is it safe? Get the answers to all such questions in the review of Venstar Exchange which has been completed after researching on the company, its customer satisfaction, reliability >>More
Trust Score
4 5
Send Money Visit Remit2India Visit Venstar Exchange
Fees 0.00 USD to 5.00 USD 0.00 USD to 0.00 USD
PayIn Methods Bank
Credit Card
Debit Card
PayOut Methods Bank
Transfer Time Same Day to 5+ Days Same Day to 5+ Days
Android App Yes Yes
iOS App Yes Yes
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Phone 1-800-859-876 1844-274-8607
Minimum Amount $10 $10,000
Maximum Amount Nil No limit
Exchange Rate Competitive exchange rates On average, 6% to 8% better than banks
Countries Supported 5 USA, UK, Europe, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, New Zealand
Currenices Supported 2 50+ countries
Security Norton Secured and regulated by Unimoni Protected by SSL with 128-bit encryption
Overall Security By ERIQ
Language English English
Direct Registration Website only Website or in branch
Bussiness Transfer Not available Not available
Customer Care 24*7 customer assistance 9 am to 5 pm Eastern Time, Monday - Thursday, and 9 am to 4:30 pm Friday
Exchange Rate - -
Pros -
Cons -
Send Money Now Visit Remit2India Visit Venstar Exchange
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