International Money Transfer Tips to Save You Cost
By ExchangeRateIQ
3 years ago
Categories : Posts

People send money internationally every da,y, but not everyone realizes that they are being exploited. Typically, international money transfer is supposed to be efficient because you can quickly send money to any country at any time of the day or night. In the past, cross-border money transfer was not an easy task, but thanks to technology, you only need to raise a finger for your money to send money.

With such laxity comes a cost in the international money transfer space. To benefit from your transfers, there are certain factors that you will need to take into consideration. Remember that there are so many ways of sending money, but you don’t want to send money using a service that can lose your money.

Making payments

Wire transfer is the order of the day in this century, and money apps are coming up from every corner. Even banks these days have apps that you can use to access your money and make payments. If that is not enough, then you will be happy to hear about the Western Union App. It is good to know that if you are a regular money sender, you will want to ensure that you have all the access you need in one place. From your bank accounts to debit cards, you will enjoy easy access to your money. Money transfer apps also can allow you to keep your money in the app, but this may not be the right answer since some payment methods may limit your app.

What is the cheapest way to send money abroad?

If you are looking for a cheap way to send money abroad, you will be happy to know that you can send money for free. However, it will be beneficial to know that free money transfer comes with the features that you will want to take a very keen interest in. Typically, your money transfer is likely to take a couple of days if you decide to use a cheap option.

It is essential to mention that different money transfer agents have their particular way of offering you a cheap service. A good example is transfer agents that charge people who send large amounts of money at a relatively low price compared to sending a small amount using the same service. It can also help to know that fast international money transfer services come at an extra cost. Knowing this will help you to avoid expensive services. However, in the case of an emergency or crucial issue, you may opt for instant transfers.

With instant transfers, you can also get a fairer cost for your transfer if you take the time to look for one. However, it is safe to say that online money transfer services are the most affordable than banks and direct cash transfer services. That explains why more people send money online these days.

It is all about wire transfer

Although there are various ways of sending money, each of them is today available online. From banking apps to cash pick up services like Western Union App, it is safe to say that wire transfer is finally global. If you don’t fancy using digital money transfer services, then you will never understand the comfort that comes with sending money online using your computer or smartphones.

Additionally, you can cross send money in the sense that you can send money from your app directly to a bank account. You can also transfer money from your bank account or debit card straight for pick up location as advised by the receiver. With all this freedom presented by wire transfer, international remittance has taken a whole new direction compared to the old methods. Businesses and immigrants are the top beneficiaries of wire transfer, which has changed how money moves within countries.

Although wire transfer is taking over, it is crucial to understand the whole concept, including the benefits and risks. For safety, always be cautious about your security when sending money online. Hackers are still on the lookout for careless money transfer activities through which they can access all your accounts and clear out the money. Avoid logging in to your money accounts using public internet or computer. Also, protect your transactions using things like VPN to prevent your information leaking.


You can never run out of options if you want to send money overseas. However, you can only find a cheap service if you look in the right places. On top of that, your research needs to be thorough and, in many cases, can cost you time. But if you are a smart money sender, you should already know that you can quickly find the top money transfer app around through using service comparison platforms like Exchange Rate IQ.


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